Administrator's Guide

CDR System Parameters
Issue 5 October 2002 647555-233-506
Call Record Handling Option
Displays on DEFINITY R only. Used to control call routing when new calls come
in, the CDR link is down, and the buffer is filled.
Changing this field from the default warning may cause ACD & vector calls
that are measured by CDR to be redirected.
Calls to Hunt Group Record
CDR Account Code Length
CDR Date Format
Use this field to select the format for the date stamp that begins each new day of
call records.
Valid entries Usage
Enter reorder to block calls with reorder tone when the
buffer is full. This applies to all calls. If you choose this
option, no one will be able to make or receive calls if CDR is
unable to record them.
Enter warning to stop call recording when the buffer is full.
This generates a minor alarm.
Enter attendant to route all calls to the attendant as
non-CDR calls.
Valid entries Usage
Enter member-ext to record the extension of the phone or
data terminal where the call terminated.
Enter group-ext to record the extension that was dialed.
Valid entries Usage
15 Enter the number of digits to record when a user enters an
account code. For some record formats, a long account code
overwrites spaces on the record that are usually assigned to
other fields.
Valid entries Usage
Choose the format that is most appropriate for your situation.
If your company has many different sites, you may need to
use the same format as the other locations.