Administrator's Guide

Data modules
Issue 5 October 2002 731555-233-506
Disconnect Sequence
Appears when the KYBD Dialing field is y. Selects the sequence for a disconnect.
Appears when the KYBD Dialing field is y. Select the desired type of parity. The
DLC generates the parities when call setup text is sent to the DTE. The DLC does
not check the parity when receiving dialing characters. Parity has nothing to do
with the far end; it is used by the DLC to terminal communications during call
setup. Set to match the connected DTE.
Permit Mismatch
This option allows the EIA interface to operate at a rate different than that agreed
to in the data module handshake. (The data module handshake is always the
highest compatible rate as determined by the reported speed option of each data
module.) Permit Mismatch eliminates the need to change the DTE/DLC speed
every time a call is placed to/from an endpoint operating at a different speed.
When this option is enabled, the DLC reports the highest optioned speed and all
the lower speeds (or the previously selected autoadjust speed) during the
handshake process.
Caution must be used when using this option to send information from a
DTE/DCE that is transmitting data at higher rates than that of the far end.
Sustained usage of this type transmission results in loss of data. Whenever
this option is enabled, the DTE must match the highest speed selected for the
associated DLC port.
entries Usage
A long-break is greater than 2 seconds.
Two-breaks is within 1 second.
Valid entries Usage
entries Usage
Enter y to instruct the DLC to operate at the highest selected
speed, which is a higher rate than the far-end data module.