Administrator's Guide

Feature-Related System Parameters
Issue 5 October 2002 809555-233-506
Controlled Outward Restriction Intercept
Enter the type of intercept treatment the caller receives when the call is outward
Controlled Station-to-Station Restriction
Enter the type of intercept treatment the caller receives when the call is placed to a
restricted telephone.
Valid entries Usage
Provides a recorded announcement to calls that cannot be
completed as dialed. You select and record the message.
The calling party receives indication that the call is
receiving Intercept Treatment.
Enter the extension number for the announcement in the
associated field.
Allows attendants to provide information and assistance to
outgoing calls that cannot be completed as dialed or that
are transferred to incomplete or restricted stations.
extension Enter the extension number for the extension in an
associated field. May not be a VDN extension.
tone Provides a siren-type tone to internal calls that cannot be
completed as dialed
Valid entries Usage
If announcement is entered, an associated extension
number field displays. Enter the extension of the restricted
telephone in the field.
Intercepted calls are redirected to the attendant.
extension (may
not be a VDN
If extension is entered, an associated extension number
field displays. Enter the extension of the restricted
telephone in the field.
tone Intercepted calls receive intercept (siren) tone.