Administrator's Guide

Screen reference
555-233-506828 Issue 5 October 2002
Abort Transfer
Stops the transfer operation whenever a user presses a non-idle call appearance
button in the middle of the transfer operation, or when they hang up. If both the
Abort Transfer and Transfer Upon Hang-Up fields are
y and you press the
TRANSFER button and then dial the complete transfer-to number, hanging up the
phone transfers the call. You must select another non-idle call appearance to abort
the transfer. If the Transfer Upon Hang-Up field is
y, hanging up completes the
transfer. Requires DCP, Hybrid, IP, ISDN-BRI or wireless phones.
No Dial Tone Conferencing
When another line is on hold or alerting, No Dial Tone Conferencing, eliminates
dial tone while setting up a conference. See GuideBuilder for more information.
No Hold Conference Timeout
Controls the timeout of No Hold Conference call setup. The system Answer
Supervision timer should be set to a value less than this.
Select Line Appearance Conferencing
Select Line Appearance Conference changes the capabilities of the conference
buttons and line appearance buttons on digital phones. See GuideBuilder for more
Valid entries Usage
Enter y to abort the transfer a call by pressing the TRANSFER
button, dialing the desired extension, and then hanging up or
selecting another non-idle call appearance. The user must
press the
TRANSFER button again to complete the process
unless Transfer Upon Hang-up is also set to
Valid entries Usage
Enter y to activate No Dial Tone Conferencing
Valid entries Usage
Enter the number of seconds.
Valid entries Usage
Enter y to activate Select Line Appearance Conferencing