Administrator's Guide

Screen reference
555-233-506846 Issue 5 October 2002
Minimum Agent-LoginID Password Length
Enter the minimum number of digits that must be administered as an EAS Agents
LoginID password. Only appears if Expert Agent Selection (EAS) on the
System-Parameters Customer-Options screen is
Available Agent Adjustments for BSR
Controls the use of BSR available agent adjustments. The Vectoring (Best Service
Routing) field must be
y on the System-Parameters Customer-Options screen.
Converse First Data Delay/Second Data Delay
The First Data Delay prevents data from being outpulsed (as a result of a converse
vector step) from the system to CONVERSANT before CONVERSANT is ready.
The delay commences when the CONVERSANT port answers the call. The
Second Data Delay is used when two groups of digits are being outpulsed (as a
result of a converse vector step) from the system to CONVERSANT. The Second
Data Delay prevents the second set from being outpulsed before CONVERSANT
is ready. The delay commences when the first group of digits has been outpulsed.
Only appears if Vectoring (Basic) on the System-Parameters Customer-Options
screen is
Valid entries Usage
9 Entering a 0 or blank indicates no password is required.
Valid entries Usage
Enter y to allow adjustments to available agents.
Valid entries Usage
to 9 Number of seconds for the delay.