Administrator's Guide

Issue 5 October 2002 871555-233-506
Display Room Information in Call Display
This indicates the type of guest room information displayed on phone displays.
Dual Wakeup
Extension to Receive Failed Wakeup LWC
This indicates where unsuccessful wakeup LWC messages will be stored. This is
usually administered to an unassigned extension (cannot be a VDN extension) or
to the attendant (attd). In addition, a LWC lamp for that extension is usually
assigned to the attendant console as an indication of failed wakeup calls.
Integrated Announcement Extension
This field appears only when the Announcement Type field is integrated. This
indicates the wakeup announcement extension when using the integrated
announcement circuit pack.
Valid entries Usage
If this field is set to y, the phones will display the name and
room number. The extension number and room number are
not always the same number.
If this field is set to n, the phones will display the name and
extension number.
Valid entries Usage
Enter y if each extension can request two wakeup calls
within one 24-hour time period.
Valid entries Usage
Unassigned extension
Valid entries Usage
valid extension or VDN Enter the extension of the announcement you
want to use for wakeup calls.