Administrator's Guide

Intra-Switch CDR
Issue 5 October 2002 907555-233-506
The Intra-Switch CDR extension capacities vary from switch to switch. See the
Avaya MultiVantage Solutions Hardware Guide.
Field descriptions for page 1
Screen 140. Intra-Switch CDR screen
Assigned Members
Displays the number of extensions currently administered for Intra-switch CDR.
Valid entries Usage
Any valid extension Enter the local extensions you want to track with
Intra-Switch CDR. The number of extensions you can
track may vary from one system to the next.
change intra-switch cdr Page 1 of 2
Assigned Members: 5 of 1000 administered
1: 364
-0000_ 19: 37: 55: 73: 91:
2: 364-0001_ 20: 38: 56: 74: 92:
3: 364-1000_ 21: 39: 57: 75: 93:
4: 364-2001_ 22: 40: 58: 76: 94:
5: 364-3003_ 23: 41: 59: 77: 95:
6: _ 24: 42: 60: 78: 96:
7: _ 25: 43: 61: 79: 97:
8: _ 26: 44: 62: 80: 98:
9: _ 27: 45: 63: 81: 99:
10: _ 28: 46: 64: 82: 100.
11: _ 29: 47: 65: 83: 101:
12: _ 30: 48: 66: 84: 102:
13: _ 31: 49: 67: 85: 103:
14: _ 32: 50: 68: 86: 104:
15: _ 33: 51: 69: 87: 105:
16: _ 34: 52: 70: 88: 106:
17: _ 35: 53: 71: 89: 107:
18: _ 36: 54: 72: 90: 108: