Administrator's Guide

Screen reference
555-233-506932 Issue 5 October 2002
Local Node
Specify the node name for the port. When the Service Type field is
DLG, there can
be only one entry on this screen with a Service Type field of
DLG and the same
Local Node
Local Port
Specify the originating port number. When the Service Type field is DLG, this
field becomes
5678 and is read-only.
Remote Node
Specify the switch at the far end of the link for SAT. The remote node should not
be defined as a link on the IP Interface or Data Module screens. When the Service
Type field is
DLG, this field is cleared and read-only.
Valid entries Usage
Node names as defined
on the Node Names
If the link is administered for services over the
C-LAN circuit pack, enter a node name defined
on the Node Name screen. See Administration for
Network Connectivity for Avaya MultiVantage
Software for information on how to administer
node names.
Processor is only available for S8100 Media
Server and S8300 Media Server.
Valid entries Usage
to 9999
5111-5117 for SAT applications
5678 for ASAI
For client applications, this defaults to zero.
Valid entries Usage
Node name as defined
on the Node Names
For SAT, use a node name to provide added
any Use any available node.