Administrator's Guide

ISDN trunk group
Issue 5 October 2002 965555-233-506
Night Serv
Specifies a night service extension (can be a VDN extension) per Service/Feature.
An entry other than blank overrides Night Service entry on page 1 of the screen.
This entry can be overridden by the Trunk/Member Night Service entry when
provided. Valid entries are an assigned extension, the attendant group access code
attd), or leave blank.
Specifies the ISDN Services/Features for an incoming call type. See the Service
Type field description for a list of predefined Services/Features that can be
received. Or, use Type 0, Type 1, and Type 2 user defined services. The identifier
other can be used for any Services/Features not explicitly specified.
Field Descriptions for the CBC Trunk Group
Usage Allocation page
Appears when the Service Type field is cbc and the Usage Alloc field is y.
Screen 156. CBC Trunk Group Usage Allocation
The CBC Trunk Group Usage Allocation screen sets a minimum and maximum
number of members for up to ten different Services/Features for up to three
different Usage Allocation Plans (13). See ‘‘Call-by-call service selection’’ on
page 1629 for a detailed description of Usage Allocation Plans.
add trunk-group next Page y of x
Usage Allocation Plan 1 Usage Allocation Plan 2 Usage Allocation Plan 3
Min# Max# Min# Max# Min# Max#
Service/Feature Chan Chan Service/Feature Chan Chan Service/Feature Chan Chan
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