Administrator's Guide

Screen reference
555-233-506982 Issue 5 October 2002
You cannot change the Endpt Init, SPID, or Endpt ID port parameters
unless that port is busied out or unadministered. It is possible to
change all other fields on this page even if the corresponding port is
If the Interface field on page 1 contains a valid value when the screen
is submitted, the contents of the fields on page 2 for that port are
validated. If the Interface field is blank when the screen is submitted,
the fields on this page for that port reset to their default values.
Directory Number
These 10-digit fields contain the directory numbers assigned to the interface,
which it views as being allocated to 2 separate endpoints.
Endpt ID
A 2-digit field containing the Endpoint Identifier expected by the far end. Avaya
MultiVantage blocks you from changing this field unless the port is busied out or
Valid entries Usage
Any string of
1 to 10 digits
These fields must be administered in pairs. That is, if you enter
a value in one field, you must enter a value in the other.
Valid entries Usage
to 62 Leading zeroes considered significant and not ignored.