Administrator's Guide

Language Translations
Issue 5 October 2002 993555-233-506
Screen 180. Language Translations Call-Identifiers (Page 1)
Screen 181. Language Translations Call-Identifiers (Page 2)
change display-messages call identifiers Page 1 of 4
English Meaning of English term Translated
Term Term
1. sa ACD Supervisor Assistance 1: **
2. ac Attendant Assistance Call 2: **
3. tc Attendant Control Of A Trunk Group 3: **
4. an Attendant No Answer 4: **
5. pc Attendant Personal Call 5: **
6. rc Attendant Recall Call 6: **
7. rt Attendant Return Call 7: **
8. sc Attendant Serial Call 8: **
9. co Controlled Outward Restriction 9: **
10. cs Controlled Station To Station Restriction 10: **
11. ct Controlled Termination Restriction 11: **
12. db DID Find Busy Station With CO Tones 12: **
13. da DID Recall Go To Attendant 13: **
14. qf Emergency Queue Full Redirection 14: **
15. hc Held Call Timed Reminder 15: **
change display-messages call identifiers Page 2 of 4
English Meaning of English term Translated
Term Term
16. ic Intercept 16: **
17. ip Interposition Call 17: **
18. ld LDN Calls On DID Trunks 18: **
19. so Service Observing 19: **
20. na Unanswered Or Incomplete DID Call 20: **
21. ACB Automatic Callback 21: ********
22. callback Callback Call 22: ********
23. park Call Park 23: ********
24. control Control 24: ********
25. ICOM Intercom Call 25: ********
26. OTQ Outgoing Trunk Queuing 26: ********
27. priority Priority Call 27: ********
28. recall Recall Call 28: ********
29. return Return Call 29: ********
30. ARS Automatic Route Selection 30: ********