User's Manual

Avaya P330 Load Balancing Manager User Guide 38
Defining a Virtual Server
The first step in configuring SLB is defining a Virtual Server. To define a
new Virtual Server:
1. In the Logical Tree Area, select SLB from the load balancer
module you are currently configuring.
2. Click
Edit > Add
. A new Virtual Server is added to the tree.
3. Enter information about the new Virtual Server in the Properties
Sheet. For more information about entering information in the
Properties Sheet, refer to “Editing the Properties Sheets for SLB”
on page 47.
* Note: When defining a new Virtual Server, you must enter a
virtual IP address in the SLB Property Sheet.
When you select a Virtual Server from the Logical Tree Area, the Table
Area displays the related Virtual Services Table and the Form Area
displays the servers Properties Sheet.
To modify an existing Virtual Server:
1. Select the server from the tree.
2. Edit the information in the Properties Sheet.
To delete a Virtual Server:
1. Select the server from the tree.
2. Click
Edit > Delete
. The Virtual Server is deleted.