User's Manual

Avaya P330 Load Balancing Manager User Guide 46
HTTP Properties
The following table lists the fields in the HTTP Health Check
Configuration form and their descriptions:
Table 4-3. HTTP Health Check Configuration Properties
Field Description
HC Method
The type of the health check entry.
The ID number for the health check entry.
The port on which the health check is performed.
HTTP Version
The HTTP version. Possible versions include:
• HTTP 1.0
• HTTP 1.1
HTTP Method
The HTTP method used for the health check. Possible
methods include:
The URL to be used for this health check.
Domain Name
The domain name of the RSG.
Http Expected
The HTTP response signalling a successful health
check. Possible expected responses are:
Any Response - Any packet received from the
RSG signals a successful healthcheck.
Any OK - A response between 200 and 299
received from the RSG signals a successful
Exact OK - Only a response of 200 received
from the RSG signals a successful healthcheck.