User's Manual

862-01545 µLink System Manual
Issue 1b Page vii
List of Illustrations
Figure Page
Figure 1. µLink Indoor Unit....................................................................... 3
Figure 2. µLink Outdoor Unit and Antenna................................................ 3
Figure 3. System Overview Block Diagram. ............................................... 4
Figure 4. Multipath Effects......................................................................... 8
Figure 5. Frequency Band Plan................................................................. 19
Figure 6. µLink Antenna.......................................................................... 25
Figure 7. µLink Outdoor Unit................................................................... 26
Figure 8. Indoor Unit Rear Panel.............................................................. 30
Figure 9. Outdoor Unit Mounted on Antenna. .......................................... 32
Figure 10. IU Front Panel Controls, Indicators and Connectors. ............... 40
Figure 11. IU Rear Panel Controls, Indicators and Connectors. ................ 43
Figure 12. µLink Management Software: Typical Main Screen. .............. 48
Figure 13. Typical Station Control Screen................................................ 50
Figure 14. Indoor Unit: Typical Configuration Screen............................. 52
Figure 15. Indoor Unit: Typical Build State Screen. ................................ 53
Figure 16. Indoor Unit: Typical Status Screen. ........................................ 54
Figure 17. Indoor Unit: Typical Failure Alarm Details Screen................. 55
Figure 18. Indoor Unit: Typical Site Alarms and Control Screen............. 56
Figure 19. Indoor Unit: Typical Service Alarm Details Screen................. 57
Figure 20. Outdoor Unit: Typical Configuration Screen........................... 58
Figure 21. Outdoor Unit: Typical Build State Screen............................... 60
Figure 22. Outdoor Unit: Typical Status Screen....................................... 61
Figure 23. µLink System.......................................................................... 68
List of Tables
Table Page
Table 1. µLink System Data Interface Variants .......................................... 5
Table 2. µLink System RF Configurations.................................................. 5
Table 3. µLink System: User Services .......................................................6
Table 4. Link Error Performance Check List ............................................ 34
Table 5. IU Front Panel: Controls, Indicators and Connectors ................. 41
Table 6. Status LEDs:............................................................................... 42
Table 7. IU Rear Panel: Controls, Indicators and Connectors................... 44
Table 8. µLink System Level Parts List .................................................... 69