User Manual

MDR5800 User Manual
862-01881 Issue 6
Object ID Group Object Type Access Description MdrmteScStopBits INTEGER read-write The number of stop bits can be set to
1 or 2. mdrmteScFlowControl INTEGER read-write Either hardware or no flow control is
used. mdrmteScStatusDump INTEGER read-write Allows the wayside service (serial)
channel to be used as a diagnostics
port [deprecated]. MdrmteGeneral MdrmteStationName DisplayString read-write The station name is stored in the
Indoor Unit in non-volatile memory -
limited to 14 characters in length. mdrmteIUSerialNumber DisplayString read-only An electronic serial number is read
from the Indoor Unit - this number is
unique for each IU and is derived from
an IC that is used within the product. mdrmteIUFirmwareVersion DisplayString read-only The Indoor Unit firmware version is
the version of application firmware
that loaded into the product's
application Flash. mdrmteIUBootkernelVersion DisplayString read-only The Indoor Unit bootkernel version is
the version of boot firmware that
loaded into the product's Boot Flash. mdrmteOUSerialNumber INTEGER read-only The Outdoor Serial Number is
programmed into the OU at time of
manufacture and is read via the
Indoor Unit. MdrmteOUPICFirmwareVersion DisplayString read-only The Outdoor Unit PIC firmware
number is programmed into the OU at
time of manufacture and is read via
the Indoor Unit. mdrmteOUPayloadSupport INTEGER Deprecated. mdrmteDate DisplayString read-write This is a date record that is recovered
from the Indoor Unit's Real Time
Clock. mdrmteTime DisplayString read-write This is a time record that is recovered
from the Indoor Unit's Real Time
Clock. mdrmteNOVRAMInit INTEGER read-write If activated, the Nonvolatile memory is
initialised to a set of default
parameters. mdrmteFECBypass INTEGER read-write This is primarily a laboratory test entry
used to control whether the FEC
circuitry within the Indoor Unit is
activated. By default the FEC is not
bypassed i.e. FEC is active. mdrmteFECCorrectableSymbols INTEGER read-write This is primarily a laboratory test entry
used to control the FEC correction
power - 20 parity symbols are
appended to the transmit packet - 10
is the maximum number of symbols