
Table Of Contents
Avid Interplay Engine Servers and Services
Example 1: Startup:
Avid Workgroup Engine Monitor Event ID 22: Service has been started
Avid Workgroup Engine Monitor Event ID 28: Workgroup Engine process started
Avid Workgroup Engine Monitor Event ID 30: Monitoring thread started:
thorough ping 90 sec, heart beat max idle 90 sec, monitoring interval 15 sec
Example 2: COM Failure
Avid Workgroup Engine Monitor Event ID 42: Failed to connect Workgroup
Engine with DCOM 'Error 800706bb happened 8 times within the last 14981
Avid Workgroup Engine Monitor Event ID 31: Thorough check failed: Result
code: 0x800706be
Avid Workgroup Engine Monitor Event ID 33: Monitoring thread terminated
The process running is usually listed as IEMonitorService.exe or IEMONI~1.EXE.
Windows Services
The service Avid Workgroup Engine Monitor is started by the cluster resource “Avid Workgroup
Engine Monitor.
The Avid Workgroup Engine Monitor must run on the same machine as the Avid Interplay
Engine Server. (This is ensured by the “Avid Workgroup Server” cluster resource group.)
The Avid Workgroup Engine Monitor needs to run under the same user account as the Avid
Interplay Engine Server. To check under which user the Engine Monitor runs, use the
Windows Services Control Panel.
To check the user account, click Start, click Run, and type services.msc. Right-click Avid
Workgroup Engine Monitor and select Properties. In the Log On tab, the This Account option
should display the Server Execution User.