
Table Of Contents
89990162 the dongle is not available on the server
89990163 the registration key is invalid
89990164 the server and client versions are not compatible
89990165 the server could not be instantiated (is the server installed on this
89990166 the server is locked by the Administrator
89990167 the server is low on virtual memory
89990168 the server is low on disk space
89990169 the server is out of disk space
89990170 the specified search expression is invalid
89990171 the database is locked by the Administrator
89990172 a temporary key cannot be installed if a permanent key is already active
89990173 the server with the CCS is locked by the Administrator
89990174 The server is temporarily locked because of a shutdown
89990175 cannot init indexed search
89990177 The hardware id is invalid
89990178 The license key contained one or more expired licenses. These licenses are
89990179 A backup is already in progress.
89990183 The last partial or full backup time is not available. This message is
displayed when an incremental or differential backup was attempted, but
could not run because there is no previously created full backup or
incremental/differential backup (in case of an incremental backup).
89990192 The object or one of its sub-objects is locked. It is not possible to make
changes to this object.
89990195 the database was created with a newer version and cannot be opened with
this server
89990196 The transaction commit failed because a merge is needed
8999019c a file or folder has a pending change
8999019f setting a property failed because the condition for setting did not match