
Table Of Contents
89990365 the group cannot be destroyed because it contains children
89990366 not a serigraph
8999036 the group must not contain other groups
89990368 the database is from a different CCS and needs a migration
89990369 could not connect to the LDAP server
8999036a The operation failed because the object is protected by a reservation
8999036b CCS Connection failed
8999036c CCS is corrupt (for example, GUID missing)
8999036d The authorization config file is missing
8999036e The CCS does not have the same version as the server of the database
89990370 An LDAP search enum failed
89990371 Structural changes are not allowed on that object
89990372 No Children can be added to this folder or moved out of this folder
89990401 no handler was found
89990450 There is no open session for this client. If you are using an older version of
the client, JXDK or MDK please upgrade to a newer version
89990500 cannot convert variant to given type
89990600 HTTP request error
89990601 continue
89990602 switching protocols
89990603 OK
89990604 created
89990605 accepted
89990606 non-authoritative information
89990607 no content
89990608 reset content
89990609 partial content
89990610 multiple choices