
Table Of Contents
Viewing Database Information
- Successfully deleted media files: The number of media files deleted from
shared-storage. Only media files deleted by a scheduled deletion from Orphan Clips are
counted, not media files deleted by the interactive part of a deletion.
- Size of successfully deleted media files. The cumulative size of the successful deletions
in KB, based on information in the Interplay Engine database. This information is not
necessarily the most recent information from the Media Indexer.
Deletion Statistics Since Last Engine Start: These parameters list cumulative totals since the
last time the Interplay Engine was started. The statistics in this section include deletions
outside of the scheduled deletion slots. for example, media files deleted directly in Interplay
Access. Statistics are shown for the following parameters:
- Failed media files deletions
- Successful media files deletions
- Failed metadata deletions
- Successful metadata deletions
Command Statistics (Engine Search Requests)
The statistics in this tab provide information about commands executed by the Interplay Engine.
Currently the only command included is Search, which is listed as Engine Search Requests.
These commands are search requests made in Access or other clients that are processed by the
Interplay Engine.
Because searches are a common way that users notice a slowdown in Interplay Engine
performance, these statistics can be useful in troubleshooting performance problems.
The time at the top of the tab is the last time information was received from the client and is
automatically updated every minute.
Statistics are shown for the following parameters:
Period: The ten most recent measurement periods are listed in the Period column. Periods
are a maximum of one minute and are created only if there are search commands executed.
You cannot check statistics for earlier periods.
Duration: The length of the measurement period, from the finish of the first search until the
finish of the last search in this period. Note that the summary for the Duration column
displays the time from the oldest to the latest measurement period, not a summary of the
Duration periods.
Other parameters are described in the tab.