
Table Of Contents
Running Database Maintenance Tools
5. Click Run.
A dialog box asks if you want to set Exclusive Access to the database.
6. Click Yes.
The tool runs with the options you selected. While the tool is running, information about the
progress and found issues is displayed. When the tool is finished the following options are
- Open Log in editor: Opens the displayed information in Notepad or another default text
editor. This version of the runtime information includes specific date and time
- Copy Log to Clipboard: Copies the information you see displayed to the clipboard.
- Save Log: Saves a version of the displayed information with additional specific date and
time information, like the first option. It uses the following format:
7. Click Close.
Clean Up Parentless Objects Clean up parentless objects and move them to the “Lost&Found”
folder. Use this option to both check for and fix parentless objects.
The Interplay Engine either deletes the parentless object (in case it
is not valid or functional anymore) or restores the object to a new
parent folder named “Lost&Found.” This folder is created on the
database's root folder. The results dialog contains information if
objects were recovered (“Restored n parentless objects to the
“Lost&Found” folder).
If the results dialog reports that it restored objects to Lost&Found,
the administrator should run the tool again. It is possible that the
tool will find additional parentless objects through the restored
When this option is not selected, the tool only checks for and
reports parentless objects.
In rare cases, the read-only run of the tool reports that it found
parentless objects that should be deleted, but after a clean-up
operation, the results dialog does not report any deleted any
objects. Subsequent read-only runs will continue to report
these objects to be deleted. (Administrators can find entries in
the Engine logs during the clean-up run that report skipped
objects.) This is not a problem. These objects are special
because they do not cause “root object has no parent” issues
but are difficult to delete.
Tool Options