
Chapter 4: Avid Unity ISIS Workflows for Pro Tools 67
Add Selected Tracks Adds the edited audio
tracks to the Pro Tools sequence on the Inter-
play database. Select this option if you want to
preserve the original audio in the sequence.
5 Click OK.
A confirmation message box appears.
6 Click OK.
The sequence in the Avid Interplay database is
now ready to be checked out and imported by
the Avid application.
Importing Audio into an Avid
Application from Pro Tools
Once you have exported audio files or sequences
from Pro Tools, you may import them into a bin
in the Avid application.
Importing Audio Files into a Bin
To import audio files into the Avid application:
1 Launch the Avid application, and open the de-
sired project.
2 Open the bin into which you wish to import
the audio files from Pro Tools.
3 Choose Tools > Media Tool.
The Media Tool Display lets you scan all media
files in both the OMFI MediaFiles and Avid Me-
diaFiles folders.
4 Select the Master Clips and the Media Clip op-
When adding selected tracks, ensure that
the total number of tracks in the sequence
residing on the Interplay server does not ex-
ceed the total allowed number of tracks for
an Avid application—24 audio and 24
video tracks.
Replace or Add Selected Tracks dialog
Media Tool Display