
Pro Tools Unity ISIS Guide74
14 Click the Overwrite button to lay the audio
into the Timeline.
The audio selected between the In and Out
points in the Source Monitor is laid into the
Timeline at the position of the cursor.
15 If you want to display audio waveforms in
the Timeline, click the Fast Menu (located on
the lower left hand corner of the Timeline), and
choose Audio Data > Energy Plot. Ensure that
the new audio tracks appear synchronized with
the originals.
16 If necessary, make sure the video track’s
Monitor button is enabled (purple). This will al-
low you to view the video portion of the se-
quence in the Record Monitor (or client
17 Press the Home key to move the cursor to the
beginning of the sequence and press the Space-
bar to play the sequence. The new audio should
be synchronized with the video.
After verifying the new audio sequence is cor-
rectly synchronized, you can do either of the
Lay audio and video back to tape using Dig-
ital Cut
Export your sequence as a QuickTime,
MPEG, or other format digital movie.
Overwrite and Splice-In buttons
Timeline with new audio sequence
Fast menu
New audio tracks
from Pro Tools
Fast menu
Enabling the Video track