Setup guide

Table Of Contents
EUCON Application Setup Guide28
EuCon Device Setup
This section discusses the EuCon Device Setup dialog which allows editing track assignment and transport control parameters.
If the EuCon Device setup dialog is not open: From Cubase choose Devices->Device Setup, then select EuCon from the Remote
Devices folder in the Devices section.
EuConized Channel Types
The EuConized channel types section contains checkboxes that determine which channel types appear on your control surface. If
a certain channel is available in Cubase and the corresponding checkbox is selected, that channel can be selected to appear on
the surface. This channel is called EuConized.
All channels except Input channels are EuConized by default and can appear on the surface. This is useful to eliminate tracks from
the surface, reduce memory usage, and reduce the time needed to build the EuCon mixer model when connecting, adding, or re-
moving tracks from the Cubase project.
To enable/disable EuConized tracks, select the checkbox next to each type. Tracks without a checkmark do not appear on the sur-
face. This setting applies only to the open project.
Global Settings
The Global Settings section has two parameters: Tape machine style transport and Number of knobsets to cache.
Tape machine style transport
Two Cubase transport control modes are available for the control surface. Toggle the modes from the Tape machine style transport
These transport modes affect the operation of the Stop, Fast Forward and Rewind buttons in the following manner:
Tape machine style transport checked:
Stop The control surface STOP button halts the transport and keeps the play head at the current position (even multiple presses),
independent from Nuendo’s preferences.
Fast Forward/Rewind The FF/RW buttons always latch independent of the control surface latch time preference. Repeatedly press-
ing the same FF/RW button has no effect. The current action can be stopped by pressing the opposite wind button, STOP, or
PLAY. The FF/RW also stops if it reaches the beginning or end of the project.
Eucon Device Setup