User`s guide

Chapter 6: Working with Tracks 57
in higher priority tracks, you will find
many useful ways to apply virtual tracks
and dynamic voice allocation.
Voice Management In Expanded
(Macintosh Pro Tools III systems only)
Voice Numbering
In expanded Pro Tools III systems, the first
16 voices of your system are numbered A-1
through A-16. The next Disk I/O’s voices
would be numbered B-1 through B-16, and
so on.
Managing Voices in Expanded
In expanded Pro Tools III systems each
Disk I/O card requires that a separate SCSI
hard drive be attached to it, with specific
audio files residing on specific drives. An
audio file or region that resides on one Disk
I/O’s hard drive cannot be moved to a track
routed to a different Disk I/O drive. If you
try to do this, Pro Tools will alert you and
allow you to automatically copy the sound
file to the destination voice’s drive.
The following scenarios will cause voice as-
signment conflicts which you will have to
resolve by either reassigning voices, copy-
ing sound files, or managing “Ghost re-
If you attempt to put regions from Disk
I/O “A” voice track onto a Disk I/O “B”
voice track.
If you attempt to drag a region that re-
sides on Disk I/O “A” from the Audio Re-
gions List onto a track which is assigned
to a Disk I/O “B” voice track.
If you have a multiple Disk I/O system
and you assign a track to a voice which
does not correspond to the hard drive
that the track’s regions belong to.
If you have a multiple Disk I/O system
and you’ve moved a drive which was
originally connected to a different Disk
Pro Tools will copy the entire sound file
(not just the single region) to the appropri-
ate Audio Files folder on the destination
The audio file will be copied to whatever
drive is specified in the Disk Allocation di-
alog box for that track. Before you begin
copying files, be sure the destination drive
has sufficient space. If the destination drive
doesn’t have enough space, the copy proce-
dure will be cancelled and any material
that hasn’t been fully copied will be dis-
Disk Allocation dialog