Instruction manual

Index 95
9-pin 20
MachineControl serial time code 36
output ports 28
absolute time code (and LTC) 43
AC Power In 28
as clock reference 38
connecting 11
connectors 27
Auto ID 14
Auto Switch 45
and freewheel duration 73
back panel 26
base clock 61
Bi-Phase/Tach 26, 46, 74
for mag, flatbed, projectors 41
front panel 64
GPI Relay Outputs diagram 88
GPI/Pilot pin assignments 92
input wiring diagram 86, 87
positional reference 46
SYNC Setup software utility 31
black burst (house video reference) 10, 26, 36
BNC 38
back panel 26
character generation
see window dub
clock reference 15, 36, 73
and clock source 15
choosing digital source 38
front panel 23
LEDs 23
list of supported clock sources 2
SYNC Setup software utility 29
Clock Source 15
color (for window dub) 57
DAT signals 73
DF (drop frame) front panel LED 25
digital clock
AES/EBU, Word, SuperClock 73
front panel 60
setting 38
Down switch 35
drop outs
and auto-switch LTC/VITC 73
and time code freewheel 44
LTC troubleshooting 72
external clock out 61
factory defaults 68
fader start 66
wiring 94
fields (odd/even) indication 29
flatbed and Bi-Phase/Tach 41
fps 29
frame edge alignment 37
frame rate
front panel 25
SYNC Setup software utility 29
freewheel duration 30
and auto-switch LTC/VITC 73
front panel 62