Instruction manual

SYNC HD Guide16
When the SYNC peripheral is not the selected
Clock Source device, the Clock Reference menu
in the SYNC Setup section switches to Loop
To choose a Clock Reference:
Select an available clock source from the
Clock Reference pop-up menu in the Session
Setup window.
The Clock Source pop-up menu follows your se-
lection of the SYNC peripheral for Clock Refer-
ence by automatically switching to the SYNC
setting. (You can also choose the SYNC periph-
eral as Clock Source first, then select a Clock Ref-
To choose a different Loop Sync device as the
Clock Source:
Select a different Loop Sync device and Clock
Source from the Clock Source pop-up menu in
the Session Setup window.
When Clock Source is an HD I/O
When a 192 I/O, 192 Digital I/O, 96 I/O or
96i I/O is providing the Clock Source, it will be
the Loop Master. Clock Source options are avail-
able directly from the Clock Source menu, based
on the configuration of that interface in the
Hardware Setup dialog. Choices can include
AES, S/PDIF, Optical, or Word Clock.
For LTC clock reference, multiple choices
are available from the LTC sub-menu. See
“LTC and Clock Reference” on page 39.
Choosing a Clock Reference
Choosing a Clock Source (96 I/O shown)
See the HD Setup Guide for more information
on configuring audio interfaces.