Instruction manual

Chapter 4: Using SYNC Peripherals 53
To prevent destruction of the original VITC
code, the SYNC peripheral will not re-apply (re-
generate) VITC onto the same video stream
from which it is reading VITC.
LTC If you want to use LTC as a positional
source, do not select Auto LTC/VITC.
External In order for the SYNC peripheral to re-
generate VITC based on an external positional
reference, you need to select both a clock refer-
ence and a positional reference.
To regenerate VITC based on an external
positional reference from Pro Tools:
1 Ensure that the SYNC peripheral is connected
in-line with a video source and video destina-
2 Ensure that VITC Insertion Enabled is selected
in the Synchronization page of the Peripherals
3 If necessary, choose the line pair from the
VITC Generate Lines pop-up menu in the in the
Synchronization page of the Peripherals dialog.
4 In the SYNC Setup section of the Session Setup
window, select valid clock and positional refer-
ences, and ensure that you have selected the ap-
propriate video format (NTSC or PAL,
depending on your project). For instructions,
see “Video Format/System” on page 64.
The SYNC peripheral regenerates VITC and in-
serts it onto the video signal (as soon as it re-
ceives a valid clock reference signal and posi-
tional reference signal).
To regenerate VITC based on an external
positional reference from the front panel:
1 Connect the video source to the SYNC periph-
eral Video Ref connector and loop the signal to
the SYNC peripheral Video Input connector.
2 Press Set, and use the Up and Down switches
to display VITC Insertion (“VI7C In5”).
3 Press Set.
4 Use the Down and Up switches toggle be-
tween On and Off.
5 Press Set to select VITC Insertion.
6 Ensure that you have selected the appropriate
video format (NTSC or PAL).
7 Press Set, and use the Up and Down switches
to display VITC Generate Lines (“6En LInE”).
8 Press Set. The default line pair is14/16, which
is also the SMPTE-recommended setting.
9 Use the Down and Up switches to scroll
through the parameter values and select a VITC
line pair.
10 Press Set. The LED Time Code Display will re-
turn to showing time code numbers.
11 Select valid clock and positional references.
The SYNC peripheral regenerates VITC and in-
serts it onto the video signal (as soon as it re-
ceives a valid positional reference signal).
Unlike LTC, SYNC peripherals can regener-
ate VITC with both forward and reverse
time code addresses.