User Manual

HD I/O Guide24
You can select up to eight channels of AES/EBU
input depending on the sample rate. At sample
rates of 44.1 kHz to 96 kHz, the only option
available is AES/EBU 1–8 (or AES/EBU 9–16 for
the second card, if present). At sample rates of
176.4 kHz and 196 kHz, two AES/EBU options
are available (Single Wire and Dual Wire
AES/EBU 1–8 Enable this option for eight chan-
nels of AES/EBU input. This is the only option
available at sample rates of 44.1 kHz to 96 kHz.
This option is not available at higher sample
AES/EBU 1–8 (Single Wire) Enable this option
for eight channels of AES/EBU input. Sample
Rate Conversion is available for stereo pairs
when Single Wire mode is selected. This option
only appears at sample rates of 176.4 kHz and
196 kHz.
AES/EBU 1–4 (Dual Wire) Enable this option for
four channels of AES/EBU input at sample rates
of 176.4 kHz and 196 kHz. Sample Rate Conver-
sion is not available in Dual Wire mode. This op-
tion only appears at sample rates of 176.4 kHz
and 196 kHz.
You can select up to eight channels of ADAT in-
put depending on the sample rate. At 44.1 kHz
and 48 kHz, the only option available is ADAT
1–8 (or ADAT 9–16 for the second card, if pres-
ent). At sample rates of 88.2 kHz and higher,
two ADAT options are available (SRC and
ADAT 1–8 Enable this option for eight channels
of ADAT input. This is the only option available
at sample rates of 44.1 kHz and 48 kHz. This op-
tion is not available at higher sample rates.
1–8 (SRC) Enable this option for eight channels
of ADAT input with automatic Sample Rate
Conversion (SRC). This option only appears at
sample rates of 88.2 kHz and higher. This option
is not available at 44.1 kHz and 48 kHz.
1–4 (S/MUX) Enable this option for four chan-
nels of ADAT input with S/MUX (sample multi-
plexing). This option only appears at sample
rates of 88.2 kHz and 96 kHz.
1–2 (S/MUX) Enable this option for two chan-
nels of ADAT input with S/MUX (sample multi-
plexing). This option only appears at sample
rates of 176.4 kHz and 192 kHz.
Depending on the sample rate, you can select
eight channels of TDIF (Tascam Digital Input
Format) input—TDIF 1–8, or TDIF 9–16 for the
second card, if present—with or without auto-
matic Sample Rate Conversion (SRC).
TDIF 1–8 Enable this option for eight channels
of TDIF input. This option is only available at
sample rates of 44.1 kHz and 48 kHz.
1–8 (SRC) Enable this option for eight channels
of TDIF input with automatic Sample Rate Con-
version. This option is only available at sample
rates of 88.2 kHz and higher.