User Manual

22 Exporting Frames, Clips, or Sequences
This chapter describes how to export files for use with another system, application, or platform.
Understanding Export
Preparing to Export a Sequence
Exporting With the Send To Templates
Send To Templates Reference
Creating a Custom Send To Template for Exporting to Third-Party Applications
Exporting With the Export Command or the Drag-and-Drop Method
Customizing Export Settings
Guidelines for Exporting OMFI and AAF Files
Exporting Projects and Bins Using AFE Files (Windows Only)
Exporting QuickTime Movies
Installing or Copying the Avid Codecs for QuickTime on Other Systems
Exporting from a Third-Party QuickTime or AVI Application
Exporting as Windows Media (Windows Only)
Creating a Custom Profile for Windows Media Export (Windows Only)
Exporting as Windows Media Using a VC1 Resolution
Exporting to XDCAM
Exporting XDCAM OP1a Media
Exporting Your Clip or Sequence to a P2 Card
Using Avid Interplay Media Services
For information about linking file-based media, see Acquisition of File-Based Media (AMA).
Understanding Export
You can export material directly from your Avid editing application to many supported file types.
You can export an individual frame, a selected region of footage, or an entire clip or sequence.