User Manual

Send To Templates Reference
8. Review the current Export settings to ensure that they meet your needs.
The Export Setting Summary area at the bottom of the dialog box lists all the settings that
affect the current export.
9. (Option) If you need to make any Export settings changes, click the appropriate Options
button, make the changes, and click Save.
Avid recommends that you use the default options in the Send To templates wherever
possible. If you are sending to Disc in particular, accept the default options to keep the Disc
authoring and burning process as quick and simple as possible.
10. (Option) If you want to save your changes in the Send To dialog box as a new template, do
the following:
a. Click the Save As Template button.
b. Rename the file.
Make sure you leave the .stt extension.
c. Click Save.
Your Avid editing application saves the new template. The next time you select a
sequence and choose File > Send To, the new template appears in the list.
11. (Option) If you are sending to Disc, insert a blank DVD in your Disc drive.
12. Click OK.
Your Avid editing application exports the file. Depending on the settings you choose, you
application might automatically launch an application to handle the exported file.
If you are sending to Disc, the Burn to DVD dialog box opens.
13. (Option) If you are sending to Disc, select the capacity of your DVD medium from the
Capacity menu, and then click OK.
The capacity of your DVD medium must match the size you select from the Capacity menu.
For information about the other options in the Burn to DVD dialog box, see the Sonic
Your DVD is burned.
Send To Templates Reference
The following table describes the Send To templates that Avid supplies. If you create custom
Send To templates, they also appear as Send To menu commands.
If you are running an Avid Studio package, an Avid Studio products Send To submenu might
appear in your Avid editing application.