User Manual

Exporting Projects and Bins Using AFE Files (Windows Only)
Exporting Projects and Bins Using AFE Files
(Windows Only)
AFE (Avid File Exchange) files are an efficient way to transfer project information between Avid
applications. For example, you can use AFE files to transfer projects and bins from an offline
system to an Avid DS finishing system.
Export Method: Video
(Video Details tab)
The Mixdown with Video Edits option is only compatible with Pro Tools v7.2 or
later, and takes advantage of the fact that Pro Tools v7.2 or later can display multiple
video tracks. This lets you add a video track that shows the video edits. This can be
very useful to Pro Tools editors because it allows them to view the edit points
between the various video clips without actually importing the individual video files
into Pro Tools.
Your Avid editing application creates the following tracks as part of the export:
- Video tracks that represent each track and edit in the original sequence
- A “render track” that contains the single video mixdown track
The system stores the metadata for the video mixdown “render track” within the
AAF file. The render track points to the actual mixed-down video media file. If you
open the exported sequence in an Avid editing application, you do not see the video
mixdown track. However, when you import the file into Pro Tools v7.2 or later, Pro
Tools imports the video mixdown track as a separate video track. Pro Tools
composites the edit points from all of the original Avid video tracks into a single
Pro Tools displays the video edit track as well as the video mixdown (render) track.
This allows the Pro Tools editor to view the video edits. One benefit to this method
is that you only bring the video mixdown into Pro Tools. The clips in the edit tracks
do not reference any media. They simply match up with the video mixdown.
The Mixdown without Video Edits option is compatible with all versions of Pro
Tools, and is the only option suitable for versions of Pro Tools earlier than v7.2. This
option replaces all of the video tracks with a single video track named Video
Mixdown in the Track Panel.
Remove Track Effects Selecting this option removes all audio track effects — for example, Real-Time
AudioSuite (RTAS) effects — during export. This option is selected by default.
Split Tracks to Mono Selecting this option splits all multichannel audio tracks to separate mono tracks. For
more information, see “Splitting Multichannel Tracks to Mono Tracks” on page 837.
This option is selected by default.
Setting Guidelines