User Manual

Exporting XDCAM OP1a Media
8. Select a video format:
- For SD projects, select DV-25, IMX30, IMX40, or IMX50.
For SD, a disk cannot have mixed formats. For example, a disk that contains IMX40
material can only have IMX40 media added to it, unless you reformat the disk.
- For HD projects, select XDCAM-50, XDCAM-35, XDCAM-25, or XDCAM-17.
For HD, a single disk can have clips with mixed bit rates (17.5, 25, and 35 Mbits).
Additionally, a sequence that is being exported to an HD XDCAM disk can have mixed
bit rates, as well.
If you use the Sony PDW HD1500 or the Sony PDW 1500 XDCAM device, export of up to
8 tracks of audio is supported for the MPEG IMX and XDCAM HD 50 Mbits formats. For
other formats or devices that do not support 8 tracks, the system mixes down to audio tracks
1 and 2 during export.
9. Select a Bit Depth: 16 or 24 bits.
For HD projects, select 16 bits. XDCAM HD devices are not capable of handling 24 bits,
except for the Sony PDW HD1500 device, which is capable of handling 24 bits.
10. Click OK.
Sony applies its own file-naming convention. All exported clips are given a new sequential
name of Cxxxx.mxf, for example, C0019.mxf.
A progress bar appears displaying the new Sony XDCAM sequential clip name. The
sequence exports.
Exporting XDCAM OP1a Media
You can export frames, clips, or sequences as XDCAM OP1a files. When you open the Export
Settings dialog box and select XCDAM MXF OP1a from the Export As menu, you can set
export options available for your project.
XDCAM MXF OP1a export is available in any project type that supports XDCAM and XDCAM
The number of audio tracks you can export depends on the bit rate supported by your device. For
example, a bit rate of 50 mbps supports 8 tracks of audio for export, while a bit rate of 35 mbps
supports only 4 audio tracks.