User Manual

Selecting the Device for Output
Set audio output levels and other output options, as described in “Preparing for Audio
Output” on page 1053.
Mix down multiple audio tracks, if necessary, as described in “Mixing Down Audio Tracks”
on page 835.
Prepare the record tapes, as described in “Preparing Record Tapes” on page 1059.
(Option) Record reference bars and tone to tape, as described in “Recording Bars and Tone”
on page 1060.
(Option) Prepare for assemble editing, as described in “Enabling Assemble-Edit Recording”
on page 1061.
For 23.976p, 24p projects and 25p projects, determine your output formats, as described in
“Selecting Output and Timecode Formats for 23.976p, 24p, and 25p Projects” on page 1074.
Render all non-real-time effects in the sequence, as described in “Using ExpertRender to
Prepare Effects for a Digital Cut” on page 1062.
Selecting the Device for Output
Your Avid editing application lets you output through two different connections:
Through connections on your Avid input/output hardware
Directly to a DV camera or deck on a 1394 port. See “Connecting a DV Device” on
page 184 and “Outputting DV50 and DVCPRO HD Media Directly to a DV Device” in
the Help.
Selecting the Sync Source for Output
You can use one of the following sources as sync for output:
Black burst or house sync through the reference input (REF or REF SYNC) of your Avid
input/output hardware
Tri-level sync through the HD Tri-Level Sync input or the REF SYNC input on some Avid
input/output hardware devices
Internal timing from your Avid input/output hardware.
The source that you use depends on your production environment and your project needs.
Avid recommends that you use an external sync source whenever you record a digital cut to
tape, or whenever the external equipment requires the Avid system to follow an external
master clock. Connect the sync source to the appropriate input on the Avid input/output