User Manual

Calibrating for Video Output
- Pr Gain and Pb Gain sliders (HD component YPbPr output — with supported
input/output hardware)
11. If you want to save this setting, click the Settings menu and select Save As, then type a
name, and click OK.
Output settings are Project settings, available to all users and all projects on the system.
For information on connections on the Avid input/output hardware, see “Using the Avid
Input/Output Hardware” in the Help.For information on adjusting output gain, see
“Calibrating for Video Output” on page 1043.
Using Test Patterns
Use the menu of test patterns to calibrate the system output.
To display a test pattern:
t In the Video Output tool, click the Test Patterns menu, and select a pattern.
Calibrating the System with Passthrough Signals
If you work in a production environment in which house standards are used to synchronize a
number of devices including the source decks connected to your Avid system, you can calibrate
the system one time to conform to existing standards with the least amount of alteration of the
signal. This method involves the use of a passthrough signal (a signal that gets sent directly from
an input source through to the output channels).
This advanced form of calibration is an alternative to Video Input tool Calibration settings for
each source tape, and involves calibrating tapes at the source device, using external time-base
correction. You need a signal generator and external Waveform and Vectorscope monitors to
calibrate the system with passthrough.
To calibrate using a passthrough signal:
1. Connect a source signal with a test pattern from a signal generator.
2. Select Tools > Video Input Tool.
3. Click the Input menu, and select a video format.
The selected input provides the passthrough signal.
4. Calibrate the input if necessary by using the Video Input tool, as described in “Calibrating
Video Input” on page 214.
5. Save the input calibration settings as the system Default setting, as described in “Saving
Video Input Settings” on page 219.
6. Select Tools > Video Output.