User Manual

Preparing for Converting HD Formats
For White level (gain), adjust the Y Gain slider to place the white level at the following settings:
Adjusting Phase Controls
The Video Output tool provides controls for adjusting horizontal phase globally for output.
Horizontal phase, or H Phase, is the horizontal blanking interval used to synchronize the timing
of two or more video signals. SC Phase (subcarrier phase) controls are also available for timing
two or more signals based on the color burst portion of a composite or S-Video signal. System
Phase controls let you adjust the output signal relative to a reference signal.
In most situations, you do not need to calibrate the horizontal phase, subcarrier phase, or system
phase of the output signal. If you are working in a production house in which timing is necessary
between various devices—such as switchers, decks, and monitors—use these controls to adjust
phase globally for all outputs from your Avid editing application.
Preparing for Converting HD Formats
Your Avid editing application attached to an Avid Nitris DX, or Avid Mojo DX can crossconvert
an HD sequence to another HD format or downconvert an HD sequence to an SD format,
provided that the sequence has a compatible frame rate for the format to which you are
converting. Before you output a converted sequence, you need to set the appropriate options in
the Video Output tool.
For information and notes on available crossconversion and downconversion formats for each
HD format, see “Crossconversion and Downconversion Formats” on page 1052.
For a list of considerations when crossconverting or downconverting, see “Considerations for
Crossconversion and Downconversion” on page 1053.
PAL 0.3 V (not applicable for SMPTE bars)
Video Standard Level
Video Standard Level
PAL 1.0 V (not applicable for SMPTE bars)