User Manual

Using the Digital Cut Tool
Recording a Digital Cut to Tape (Local Mode)
Recording in Local mode lets you manually control your record deck by using the controls on
the deck. This mode is useful when you need to use non-Avid-controlled decks, such as
consumer-grade VHS or Hi8.
To record a digital cut to tape:
1. Make sure you selected the appropriate device for the material you are recording. See
“Using the Digital Cut Tool” on page 1063.
2. Load a sequence into the Record monitor. (You cannot access digital cut options without a
sequence loaded.)
3. Select Output > Digital Cut.
The Digital Cut tool opens.
4. Select the Output Mode and Bit Depth, as described in “Output Mode Resolution Options”
on page 1071.
Take care to select the Output Mode that supports the output device and provides the output
resolution you need.
5. Select or deselect the Entire Sequence option based upon the following:
t Select the Entire Sequence option if you want the system to ignore any IN or OUT
points and play the entire sequence from start to finish.
t Deselect the Entire Sequence option if you have established an IN point, an OUT point,
or both for recording a portion of the sequence.
6. Click the Digital Cut Safe Mode button (selected by default) to allow your Avid editing
application to notify you of conditions that might cause dropped frames.
During a digital cut, real-time effects or HD clips in an SD sequence can drop frames.
Digital Cut Safe Mode analyzes and identifies real-time effects that might cause dropped
frames during the digital cut and lets you render them. It also identifies HD clips in an SD
sequence and gives you the opportunity to transcode them. After these operations are
complete, your Avid editing application automatically initiates the digital cut.
If your SD sequence contains HD clips whose frame rate does not match the sequence frame
rate, you might need to take additional steps to ensure that you do not drop frames. For more
information, see “Considerations When Working with Mixed Rate Clips” on page 594.
You can use ExpertRender to render effects before beginning the digital cut. See “Using
ExpertRender to Prepare Effects for a Digital Cut” on page 1062.
7. (Option) Select Stop on Dropped Frames.