User Manual

Delaying the Sequence for a Digital Cut
Delaying the Sequence for a Digital Cut
You can delay the sequence stream being sent to a DV device during a digital cut. This can help
you to ensure that the first frame recorded is the first frame of your sequence. For more
information, see “Understanding DV Digital Cut Delay” on page 1083.
To delay the sequence for a digital cut:
1. Click the Settings tab in the Project window.
2. Double-click Deck Preferences.
The Deck Preferences dialog box opens.
3. Select Override Recommended Digital Cut Delay.
4. Determine the approximate delay and type the delay in the Digital Cut Delay (frames) text
5. Click OK.
6. Perform a digital cut.
See “Using the Digital Cut Tool” on page 1063.
7. Repeat this process until you achieve the appropriate delay.
Using EDL Manager
An edit decision list (EDL) is a detailed list of the edits contained in a sequence, including all the
timecode and supported effects information required to re-create the sequence in an online
videotape suite. The EDL is organized into a series of chronological instructions called events,
which are interpreted by an edit controller that automates the assembly of the videotape master.
Your Avid editing application includes EDL Manager, an application with powerful features and
sorting capabilities to help you prepare an EDL.
For more information on specific features and capabilities of EDL Manager, see the EDL
Manager Help.
To start EDL Manager:
t Select Output > EDL.