User Manual

Preparations for Conforming
Transferring to Avid DS
You can find specific information for transferring projects to Avid DS in the Avid DS Conform
Guide (available from the Avid DS Support Center or the Avid Customer Support Knowledge
Base.) To access the Knowledge Base, go to
Do not include mixed rate clips in sequences that you intend to finish on an Avid DS system.
Motion adapters do not conform in current versions of Avid DS, and you cannot play or
adjust mixed rate material.
Preparations for Conforming
The following topics provide information that you should review before you begin the
transferring and conforming process described in “Conforming Workflow” on page 1113.
If possible, work with the offline editor to plan the online edit. Planning the online edit makes the
online session easier and more efficient.
Delivery Requirements for Final Masters
The requirements for your final masters determine factors such as the project type you use during
the offline edit. Ideally, you perform the offline edit with the online edit in mind.
The most important delivery requirements are the formats and frame rates. A broadcast network
might require a range of formats: NTSC, PAL, and HD, at 4:3 and 16:9. Avid’s Symphony
Universal Mastering lets you output multiple versions from the same source file (see “Step 10:
Create the Final Masters” on page 1121). Make sure that you perform the offline edit at the same
frame rate as the online edit, or at a compatible frame rate.
Offline Formats for HD
If your project requires final mastering in HD, use the corresponding SD project for offline
editing, as listed in the following table.
When you start the online session, you can create a new project in the final format, or use the
original project and change the project format. For more information, see “Changing the Project
Format” on page 1514.