User Manual

Conforming Workflow
If you are working in 23.976p, 24p, or 25p projects, you can output your project in both NTSC
and PAL video formats, and in both 4:3 and 16:9 aspect ratios. You need to save a title at each
aspect ratio you need for your output requirements, but video format conversion is handled
automatically by your system’s hardware. For more information, see “Working with Multiple
Title Formats” in the Help.
Preparing Audio for the Online Session
Your might use an audio workflow where you export audio from the offline system, sweeten it in
an audio application such as Pro Tools, and import it into the online system. For more
information, see “Step 5: Import and Lay in the Final Audio Mix” on page 1117.
If you are sharing files with Pro Tools, you can use the WAVE or AIFF-C format. Pro Tools v6.9
or later also supports MXF files For more information, see “Transferring Audio Files” on
page 1128.
v2.0 is required on the Pro Tools system for import and export of OMF and AAF
You can also transfer files to Pro Tools through Interplay. For more information, see “Using Pro
Tools and Interplay” in Avid Interplay Best Practices.
If you are sharing files between Macintosh and Windows systems, avoid using
Sound Designer II
, which is a Macintosh format. For more information, see “Transferring and
Working with Sound Designer II Audio Files from Macintosh Systems” on page 1129.
Conforming Workflow
The following topics provide information to help you transfer projects from one Avid editing
system to another and conform the sequence to create one or more finished masters. These steps
are based on an offline-to-online workflow that uses Media Composer or Media Composer with
Symphony options as the online system. For projects that you plan to finish on an Avid DS
system, refer to the product documentation that comes with Avid DS.
Before you start the process described in the following topics, review the information provided
in “Preparations for Conforming” on page 1108 to ensure that your offline materials are ready
for transferring and conforming.
For specific information about HD and film-based workflows, see “Working in HD and
High-Resolution Projects” on page 1498.
If you are transferring projects and media but not performing an online edit, refer to
“Transferring Project and Media Files Between Avid Editing Systems” on page 1124.