User Manual

Conforming Workflow
Step 1: Transfer Files
Transferring Project Information Only
Project information includes the components of your project (such as settings, bins, master clips,
edited sequences, and so on), but does not include the media for these components. This project
information is sometimes called metadata. Transfer only project information if you are planning
to recapture media (for example, from an offline resolution to an online resolution) or relink
media in an Avid shared storage environment.
The following table describes the main options for transferring project files only.
Transferring Project Files and Media Files
Transfer project files and media files if you want to transfer media files to another Avid editing
system. For example, your offline sequence might already use a broadcast-quality resolution, but
you want to add Symphony color correction.
The following table describes the main options for transferring project and media files.
Transfer Option Description
Move the project folder from one
desktop to another.
This option lets you transfer complete project information, but you need
to use the desktop operating system to copy and transfer files. See
“Transferring Project Files and Media Files Using Nonshared Storage”
on page 1130.
Create an OMFI or an AAF file
(composition only).
This option lets you export from your Avid editing application, but is
limited to a single sequence or master clip. See “Guidelines for
Exporting OMFI and AAF Files” on page 1019.
Share project information in an Avid
shared storage environment.
For more information, see “Transferring a Project Using Shared Storage”
on page 1129.
Create an AFE file. This option lets you transfer complete project information, but is
currently limited to transfers to an Avid DS system. See “Exporting
Projects and Bins Using AFE Files (Windows Only)” on page 1022.
Transfer Option Description
Move the project folder along with a
removable media drive from one
system to another.
This option lets you transfer complete project information, but you need
to use the desktop operating system to copy and transfer files. See
“Transferring Project Files and Media Files Using Nonshared Storage”
on page 1130.