User Manual

Conforming Workflow
You should be aware of the following considerations when conforming on Symphony using
effects created on other Avid editing systems:
Chroma and luma keys conform in Symphony as they were created in the offline system.
However, you might find problems with the keys, especially when working in an
uncompressed resolution. For maximum options in adjusting keys, promote 2D keys to 3D.
The 3D Warp effect in Symphony includes parameters for the SpectraMatte effect. For more
information, see “Key Effects” in the Help.
Due to changes in hardware processing, a key created on a Symphony Meridien™ system
might not be properly keyed on a more recent Symphony system. Promote all Chroma Keys
to SpectraMatte keys and remake the effects. Promote all Luma keys to 3D Warp Luma Keys
and remake the effect using the Luma Range parameters.
The position of borders on wipes or PIPs might vary. For wipes created on
Media Composer Adrenaline v2.2.x or earlier, or Avid Xpress Pro v5.2.x or earlier, borders
end on screen. For wipes created on or conformed on Symphony, borders end off screen.
For Color effects created on Media Composer or Avid Xpress Pro, the Chroma Adjust
parameter values might not match.
3D effects on Meridien systems include additional shapes that are not included on
Symphony. The supported shapes might behave differently than they do on Meridien
systems. This is especially true for Page Folds when applied with a backing, to a title, or to
an imported graphic. For more information, see “3D Effects Parameters” in the Help.
Step 9: Render Effects as Needed
Although many effects play in real time, you might need to render some complex effects or
plug-in effects. For more information, see “Real-Time Playback of Video Effects” and “Basics of
Effects Rendering” in the Help.
The ExpertRender feature includes a special setting called Prepare for Digital Cut. For more
information, see “ExpertRender” in the Help.
Step 10: Create the Final Masters
(Symphony) Avid’s Universal Mastering features offer you a range of output formats you can use
for your final master. The output formats that are available depend on the format of your source