User Manual

Connecting to Avid Shared Storage and Mounting Workspaces
The Avid ISIS Client Manager. The three panels contain the Connections list (top), the Workspaces list
(center), and messages (bottom). Highlighted on the left is the Workspaces filtering area. Highlighted on the
right are the Retrieve Details buttons and the toolbar.
2. Select the System Director you want to connect to from the Connections list.
3. Do one of the following:
t (Windows) Type your account name in the Username text box, and type your password
in the Password text box.
t (Windows) If your ISIS system is configured to use the Windows user name and
password for your local system, select OS Login. By default, the Username and
Password text boxes are inactive when you select this option.
t (Macintosh) Type your Avid ISIS account name in the Username text box, and type your
password in the Password text box.
4. Click the Connect button.
When the connection is successful:
- Workspaces you have been given access to are listed in the workspace list.
- The Connect button changes to Disconnect when the connection is complete.
- The Change Password and Launch Management Console buttons become active.
5. (Option — Windows only) If you used the OS Login option, and you want to connect to the
network automatically every time you start your system, select the Auto-Connect box.