User Manual

Managing Remote Assets with the Interplay Window
For example, someone else who accessed a clip in Interplay Access after you loaded the same
clip in the Research panel might have changed the name of the clip on the server; when you then
try to rename that clip, the Property Merge dialog box opens. The change could have been made
in any Interplay application, including Assist, Instinct, Interplay Access, or the Interplay
You can view the original status of the writable property, your change, and the current status of
the property on the server, and you can choose to update the asset on the server or to update the
asset on your system. You can update the asset on the server by merging the changes; you can
also can create the text of the change.
To update your asset with the change from the server:
t Select Update from Server.
The asset is updated with the change from the server.
To update the server with your change:
1. Select the version of the property you want to see in the Merged Value text box:
- Original - the state of the asset before you accessed it
- Your change - this version is selected by default
- Current (on server)
You can select any combination of the versions.
The versions appear in the Merged Value text box in the order in which you select them.
2. (Option) Edit the text in the Merged Value text box to create the change you want.
3. Select Submit to Server.
The asset is updated with the text in the Merged Value text box.
Using Custom Layouts for the Interplay Window
Any time you modify a column, the Interplay Window maintains the custom layout for the
individual folder during your current work session. When you quit your session, the customized
layout is lost unless you save it. You can apply saved layouts to any display in the Interplay
Window. Your Avid editing application uses the last saved layout to display assets in the
Interplay Window. Layouts are saved as Interplay user settings.
The Interplay Window also saves the default layout which appears when you first open your
Avid editing application. You cannot save or delete the default layout.