User Manual

Managing Remote Assets with the Interplay Window
3. Click Yes.
Opening Multiple Tabs in the Interplay Window
When you open a new Interplay folder, its contents replace the current contents displayed in the
Interplay Window. If you want to keep the contents of more than one folder open at a time, you
can save the Research panel display as a tab in the Interplay Window and then open the contents
of the new folder as a separate tab. This way, you can keep multiple folders open at once.
To open multiple folders in the Interplay Window:
1. Click the active tab in the Research panel, and then click the Pin button.
The contents of the folder are saved as a tab in the Research panel.
2. In the Media Directory panel, click a new folder.
The folder opens as a new tab in the Research panel.
Left to right: Media tabs, the Pin button, and the Close button in the Research panel of the Interplay Window
To close a tab in the Interplay Window:
t On the tab you want to close, click the Close button.
Selecting Font Options from the Context Menu in the Interplay Window
You can change the default fonts and font sizes in the Research panel and the Directory panel
from a context menu.
Font changes are saved as user settings and do not affect other systems.