User Manual

Using Avid Log Exchange to Prepare Log Files for Import
When you convert an ATN file that contains multiple sections to an ALE file, the system creates
multiple ALE files. The Avid Log Exchange window displays only the first ALE file. The
succeeding ALE files are given the same file name with incremental numbering. For example,
the file Nations1.atn converts to Nations001.ale, Nations002.ale, Nations003.ale, and so on. The
system stores the converted output files in the folder containing the original input file.
Converting Log Files with Avid Log Exchange (Windows)
To convert a log file to an ALE file:
1. Click the Start button, and select All Programs > Avid > Log Exchange.
The Avid Log Exchange window opens.
2. Do one of the following:
t If the log file is a Final Cut Pro
, Cinema Tools
, or a Tabbed shot log file, select File >
Import > file type.
t If the log file is another file type, such as .flx or .atn, select File > Open.
The Open dialog box opens.
3. Double-click the file you want to convert.
The Import Header Options dialog box opens.
4. Select the information you want to appear in the global settings of the .ale file.
The global settings appear at the top of the .ale file.
5. Click OK.
6. Depending on the type of file you open, one of the following occurs:
- If the file type is recognized by the ALE utility, the file appears in the Avid Log
Exchange window.
- If the file type is not recognized, the Select File Type dialog box opens. Select the type
of file you want the system to convert, then click OK.
- If the file does not contain the Windows line-ending format, then the Line Endings
dialog box opens. Select an option from the table.
Option Description
Display & Save Opens the file in the Avid Log Exchange window and changes the file to the
Windows format.
Display Only Opens the file in the Avid Log Exchange window, but does not change the file.
Ignore Displays the file as is without changes.