User Manual

Finding Remote Assets
8. Click Search.
The Interplay Window performs the specified search and returns all matching records in the
Research panel. The name of the search tab changes to the text that you searched for.
9. (Option) To start a new search, click Reset or open a new search tab. Then repeat steps 2
through 8.
If necessary, click the show/hide arrow in the upper left of the tab to show the Reset button
and the search fields.
For information on keeping your search results when you open a second tab, see “Keeping
Search Results in the Interplay Window” on page 1193.
Search Attributes for the Interplay Window
The following table describes the search attributes available in the Media Search tab in the
Interplay Window.
Attribute Options Description
Text User supplied text Lets you search the following text-based attributes:
User-created fields
Text Fields Any system
property or
containing a
text field
Select All
•Clear All
Lets you search in any text field you select; Name is selected by
Search In Lets you search in any Interplay folder in the database
Types Master Clip
Lets you specify the type of media object for your search (you
must select at least one type for each search)