User Manual

Updating a Synced Project
4. Do one of the following:
t To delete the synced project from your local system but keep the project in Interplay,
click Local. This moves the project to the bottom of the project list and changes the
project name to “add [project name].”
t To delete the synced project from Interplay but keep the project on your local system,
click Interplay. A dialog box asks you to move the local project or delete it.
t To delete the synced project from both your local system and Interplay, click
t To cancel the deletion, click Cancel.
If you select Both, the deleted project no longer appears in the Select Project dialog box.
Deleting a project also deletes any bins that are in that project.
Media related to a deleted project is not deleted with the project folder. For more information on
deleting media files, see “Deleting Items from a Bin” on page 337 and “Deleting Media Files
with the Media Tool” on page 447.
Updating a Synced Project
When you add, move, rename, or delete media, bins, or folders, or edit your sequence, your
changes automatically are updated on Interplay. When you make edits to your sequence, you
save your changes to Interplay by saving your local sequence or bin, or by allowing the system to
automatically save bins based on the Auto-Save settings in the Bin Settings dialog box. You can
also update your project with Interplay by closing your project.
When other users make changes to your synced project and update the Interplay database, you
can update your project in Media Composer or NewsCutter by closing and then opening your
editing project or by manually updating your project from Interplay by selecting Update from