User Manual

Using the Disk Cache to Manage Cached Media
The following limitations also apply to remote playback:
Remote sequences that include rendered effects play back on the remote client without the
rendered media. However, sequences maintain the data for the effects. To view an effect, you
can render it on your system. You then need to render any locally-rendered effect again once
you relink your uploaded media to the source media back at the station or production
Remote clips that include an alpha channel — for example, titles — do not play back on the
local system. You can, however, use Avid Access to acquire the media from your Interplay
system, open the clip in a bin, and use the Re-create Title Media command to regenerate
titles locally. For information on how to generate title media, see “Re-creating Title Media”
on page 442.
Remote clips use the remote clip icon to differentiate them from local master clips and clips
checked out of Interplay. However, remote subclips display in the bin using the same subclip
icon as other subclips.
Using the Disk Cache to Manage Cached Media
When you remotely play back media from your Interplay environment, the Avid editing
application caches media to enhance playback performance. The application stores the cached
media in a folder on your local system called SphereCache so that each subsequent playback of
the clip proceeds smoothly. The cache folder can fill up quickly with unneeded media files, so
the editing application deletes the cached files periodically. You can control the size of the cache
folder and you can clear the cache manually if needed.
You can also clear the cache both locally and on the ICS system that streams the remote media if
you want to ensure that the media playing back reflects the most current version of your
To configure the Interplay Sphere cache settings:
1. Click the Settings tab in the Project window.
2. Double-click Sphere Playback.
The Sphere Playback Settings dialog box opens.