User Manual

Setting Transfer Settings in the Avid Editing Application
Send to Playback with Multichannel Audio Tracks
This section describes a best practice for sending a sequence containing multichannel audio
tracks to playback when using Direct Out mode. For information on sending multichannel audio
to playback using Multiple Mixes, see “Mapping Audio Tracks to Output Channels” on
page 1236.
When using Direct Out mode, keep the multichannel audio tracks at the bottom of your audio
tracks. When you send to playback in Direct Out mode the system expands the stereo tracks to
separate mono tracks. If there are single tracks at the bottom of the track list you may get
unexpected results after the top tracks expand. For example, a single track that was on track 5
may now be on a different track. If you keep the single tracks at the top you can avoid this kind
of problem. See the editing application Help for additional information on multichannel audio.
Mapping Audio Tracks to Output Channels
The Multiple Mix Editor dialog box allows you to map any combination of audio tracks to any of
the 16 available output channels when you send a sequence to playback using Interplay Transfer.
The Send To Playback operation performs a mixdown on the selected tracks before the
application sends the sequence to Interplay Transfer.
The mappings you create in the Multiple Mix Editor affect any sequence you send to playback. If
you want to use different mixes for different sequences, create a custom Transfer Settings
template for each separate type of mixdown.
You can map a single audio track in the Timeline to a single output track — for example,
you can map audio tracks 2, 4, 6, and 8 to output channels 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively. Stereo
tracks require two output channels in the sequence that you send to playback unless you
want to perform a stereo-to-mono mixdown.
You can select multiple audio tracks and map them to a singe output channel — for example,
you can map audio tracks 4, 5, 8, and 9 to output channel 1.
You can map a single track to multiple channels — for example, you can map track 2 to
output channels 1, 3, and 5.
You can save your map as a custom Transfer settings template.
Each stereo output requires two channels, but you can mix mono and stereo channels for your
Send to Playback operation as long as you do not exceed the maximum of 16 output channels.
To create a map of audio tracks to output channels:
1. In the Avid editing application, click the Settings tab in the Project window.
2. Double-click Transfer in the Settings list.
The Transfer Settings dialog box opens.