User Manual

Setting Transfer Settings in the Avid Editing Application
5. Click the Format buttons to cycle through the available options until you find the appropriate
6. In the track selector row, click the channel or channels for each audio track you want to
include in your output. If the track is not visible, use the scroll bar to locate the track you
want to map to an output channel.
The audio channel button and the corresponding Output button change to purple. You can
click the channel button again to remove it from the output mixdown. You can also click the
Output button to remove it from the from the output. Only active output channels are sent to
7. (Option) In the Label text box, type a label to identify the type of output for your mixdown.
You can use the labels to describe the kind of mixdown for your output, but the Avid editing
application does not send this information to the playback device.
Option Description
Mono tracks Maps audio tracks to mono channels, with any assigned stereo tracks
mixed down to a mono channel.
Stereo tracks Maps audio tracks to a single stereo channel, using the pan
information on the input tracks to generate stereo output.